
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse

The Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse will be taking place on 26th May 2021 (the day that I post this blog post) I have never seen a Blood Moon or Lunar Eclipse in my life! So I am very existed to see them both at once!!! Here is am google draw that is all about the Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse, I hope you like it!!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

World War l

This is my Follow Up 2 for reading. This is about how did world war 1 started, what is world war 1, when did world war 1 happened, what types of weapons were used, how many people died, and how many people were killed. I hope you like it!!

In another life

 こんにちは, Our Learning Intention this week was to deepen our understanding of descriptive language by creating feelings for our reader, such as empathy. We also looked into the effects of short sentences.

Trinity and I made this amazing story together! Please go check out Trinity's blog too! Just click

My heart breaks as I walk into the cold room. I see him on the table. I bend over to give him his favorite toy. I felt my knees get weak, as I saw him lying there, nearly lifeless. I can't help but burst into tears. I hear Marley crying and it breaks my heart even more. I feel colorless. I get on my knees to pray that he will live to see another day. I start to have flashbacks to the first time we played fetch. I remember that he never gave me back the bone, and ran as fast as his little legs could go, so that I could never catch him. I wish I could protect him from his fate. I feel so helpless. The nurse comes in with a needle, I want to take it from her hands, so I could have more time with my great dog. I told him that I loved him, one last time, as the nurse injected him with the end of his life. ¨I love you Marley, we will meet again in another life¨

Monday, May 10, 2021


I look out of the small window on the right side of the plane, I´m strapped on to the instructor and the pilot signals that it was OK to make the jump, I open the door of the plane but I can´t move my feet. It felt like someone had super glued my feet to the cold metal floor. When I was about to say that I did´t want to go, but the instructor had kicked off and we started to fall through the lonely blue sky. I felt the wind pushing against my trembling body, the wind was so strong that it felt like I was being pushed around by one thousand people at once. We were falling through the sky so fast I couldn't breathe properly. When the instructor tried to free the parachute it got stuck, they tried and tried but is was no use. I knew that this was how I would end, I knew that I would haunt the people that are daring enough to make the dreaded jump.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Reading Follow Up 1

This is the Timeline of the Civil Rights movement. I really enjoyed working on this Timeline and I am very proud of myself. I hope that it is easy for you to read it.