
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Drawing of the last seen:three brothers and the polar bear.

 KIa ora, I have done a drawing of the last seen in the story Three brothers and the Polar bear. I hope you like it!

If you read my other post that is called Three brothers and the Polar bear, please read that story and please comment.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Three brothers and the Polar bear

 Three brothers and the Polar bear

In the cold cold ice land of the Antarctic where seals hunt fish and polar bears hunt seals and people hunt polar bears and sometimes just sometimes polar bears hunt people. Once there were three brothers, and after they finished school they chose to travel to learn their chosen subject. The first brother learnt about skeletons and how to put them together, he became the bone expert, the second brother learnt how to put meat, vanes, flesh and fer on a skeleton with magic he became the corps maker, the third brother learnt how to bring life back into the dead he became the life giver. One day the three brothers were walking home after training, when they saw a pile of bones, “look what I can do” said the first brother, and he began to put the bones together to form a Polar Bear skeleton, “well look what I can do” said the second brother, and he put meat, flesh vanes and fer on to the Polar Bear skeleton leaving a dead Polar Bear on the icy ground, “pretty good” said the third brother “but look what I can do” and he began to breathe life into the dead Polar Bear. The eyes of the Polar bear opined, the heart of the Polar bear started beating and the chest began to move up and down, and stared at the three brothers with hungry eyes, the brothers ran and ran but the Polar bear was too fast, one by one the brothers got torn apart. Their soles floated away and went to a man on the icy island of No go there. The man said to the first brother  “do you wish to go to heaven or hell” and showed images of heaven, everyone was laughing and using huge forks and eating and passing around the food and taking advantage of the huge forks, and the image of hell, the people of hell could not eat anything with their huge forks, they all fought over food and all were very skinny. 

“ what will it be, heaven or hell?” 

“Heaven, obviously” and the first brother got sent to hell. Now the second brother was up   “do you wish to go to heaven or hell” and showed the images of heaven and hell, “well who would choose hell, heaven obviously” and the second brother got sent to hell as well. The third brother was up  “do you wish to go to heaven or hell” and again showed the images of heaven and hell once again, “I shall go to hell as I am the one who brought the Polar bear to life” and the third brother got sent to heaven. As for the Polar bear, he was swimming away happily with a full tummy.

The End  

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Persuasive writing

Why we should wear a uniform to school.


I am team yes and my points are,

  •  A uniform will represent your school. 

  • If you didn't have on trend clothes you could get bullied.

  • If you were in an accident after or before school people could identify you and contact the school.

  • Teachers don’t need to worry about kids wearing inappropriate clothes to school.

  • You don’t need to choose your clothes every morning.

Do you want to take 20 minutes to get dressed in the morning before school   Kia ora my name is Luna and I would like to tell you about why we should wear a uniform to school.  Let's start with my first point,  a uniform will represent your school, when you go out on a school trip and if you behave beautifully, people might know what school you come from, and say to people that our school is a good school. 

Now for my second point, If you didn't have on trend clothes you could get bullied, the reason you might get bullied is because you might have on trend clothes, on trend clothes are an important part of looking cool and being popular, and you might get bullied if you had old and dirty clothes. 

Now for my third point, If you were in an accident after or before school people could identify you and contact the school, if you get in an accident or get up to mischief people around you will know what school you come from and contact the school. 

Now the fourth point, teachers don’t need to worry about kids wearing inappropriate clothes to school, this is one of the biggest reasons I think we should wear a uniform, and I think that if kids wear what they want some kids might choose to wear inappropriate clothes. 

And finally for my last point, you don’t need to choose your clothes every morning, do you want to be stuck choosing your clothes every morning? Well I don’t want to be choosing my clothes for 20 minutes, So this is why I have this point. 

Are you team yes or no?

The End

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Sitting on the Fence

 Sitting on the Fence

Sitting on the Fence is the reading book that my group and I are reading, it  is about a boy named Martin and the story is about what happened in 1981(the Springbok tour) and about Martin fighting for he believes is the right thing to do, which is to stop the tour.

 what I thought reading this story was "why did they try to stop the tour?" well I looked that up that question and and it came up with this, The conflict within New Zealand over sporting contacts with apartheid South Africa reached a peak in the protests against the 1981 Springbok rugby tour of New Zealand.

 Because it was three days after police had used batons against protesters in Molesworth Street, Wellington, feelings ran high.

 I don't know if that tells you what you need to know, but I hope you liked my blog post an thank you for reading!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Winter Holiday☃️

In the two weeks that we had in the Holiday I have been to Nelson to go and see my dads friend. 
Her name is Kathy and we went there to tint the windows in her new van.
 We stayed there for two nights. 
The first thing we did in the second day we went to the Center of New Zealand, it was tiring, but the view was amazing. 
On the day we left Nelson we went to Hamana springs, we had the Family Fun Day that was for $90.
 We had so much fun, and my sister and I  got on the new slide (Conical Thrill) It was so fun and I would like to go again.
 The day after we came back home we had a sleep over with Reka, Rua and Sari (A girl that is staying with the Harvey's for a couple of years) We went to go eat some white rice and sausages at 12:45 am, because we got so hungry!
I couldn't go to sleep for the whole night and I was very tired the next day.
Reka, Rua and Sari went home at 11:30 am, and they invited us to the pool for Cross Country (the muscles that you use for swimming are the same muscles that you use for running).
Me and Reke were practicing the most, but then a big group of girls came and started to get in the way (you're meant  to move if some one is practicing or is they are in the lanes swimming)
But over all I had a good holiday.