
Monday, November 8, 2021

Japanese Drumming

Every Sunday evening my Japanese friends and I go to Takumi (a Japanese drumming group). I joined this group this year and I am so glad I did! We have many performances but I am only Year 1 so I can't do any in front of crowds yet. When I first started I got really nervous but now I only feel excitement when I'm going. 
One of the biggest events that we preform in is Japan day. Japan day is were Japanese people from all over Canterbury come together to celebrate our traditions, one of those traditions is Japanese drumming. 
This is what the drums look like :
Taiko - Wikipedia

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 Kia ora this is my Malala presentation. I worked really hard on this so I really hope you like it!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Paralympic Quiz Part 2

 Kia ora, I have created a Paralympic Quiz Part 2. I really hope you like it! 

 Have a nice day and stay safe!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Four Leaf Clover Part 2🍀

 Kia ora,  yesterday my mum and I went on a walk, we were looking for four leaf clovers and I found not 1, but 2 four leaf clovers! My mum didn't find any but she found a three leaf clover with a heart in it, and I think that is just as lucky! 

Here are some photos of the clovers : 

This one is the smaller one that I have found.

This one is the larger one that I found.

This one is the one that my mum found, can you see the little heart?

Have a nice day and stay safe!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Paralympic Quiz

 Kia ora, for my reading task today I decided to make a quiz on the Paralympics! I was running out of time near the end so I will have to make a part 2. 

I really hope you like it : 

Have a nice day and stay safe!

Lemon Tart

 Kia ora, yesterday I made some Lemon Tarts! They tasted pretty good and I was happy with the way it looked. My only problem was the pastry, it tasted nice but the texture wasn't that great. I think is was because I used gluten free flower, next time make them I will use plain flower. 

Here are some photos : 

Have a nice day and stay safe!

Vanilla Cake🍰

 Kia ora, for Act of Kindness day I have made a cake. I really enjoyed making, but! It did not turn out the way I wanted it to. It was too sweet and that resulted in it not tasting great..... 

I have some photos of the cake, and you could tell that is would taste really sweet just by looking at it. Here they are :

It is a Vanilla Cake with Butter Cream.

Have a nice day and stay safe!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Lisa Adams🏅

Kia ora, Today I made a Canva about Lisa Adams. I am very happy with it, and I think it look really good!
I have already made blog posts about other Paralympians that have received a medal, so please check them out if you haven't already! 
I am really enjoying watching the Paralympics at home while doing my school work! 
I really hope you like it! : 
Have a great day and stay safe!!!

Monday, August 30, 2021

Tupou Neiufi

 Kia ora today I have decided to make a blog post about Tupou Neiufi. She is an incredible Paralympian. 

I have a growing respect for all Paraplympians. Their mental is so strong; they believe they can do anything, and that can be really hard sometimes, for people with disabilities and people without disabilities. 

I really hope you like it!


Watching the Paralympics has been really inspiring for me, If they can do anything so can I and so can you.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Banana Bread🍌🍞

 Kia ora, today I have made some gluten free banana bread with my Mum. I love banana bread, and I am so happy with the result. My favourite part is the scaly design on the top of the loaf. It tastes great, so if you want to make it at home here is the recipe : 

1 . 2 ripe bananas (mash until smooth)

2 . 1 tsp baking soda 

Mix these two ingredients in a bowl and sit for 2 mins.

1 . 1 cup gluten free flour (or any flour of your choice)

2 . 1/2 tsp baking powder

3 . 1/2 tsp cinnamon

4 . 1 tsp vanilla extract

5 . 1/4 tsp salt

6 . 1/4 cup sugar

7 . 1 egg

Mix these ingredients together then mix with the mixture of smashed bananas

After you gave done that add 1 cup of milk (or any milk of your choice, I put in almond milk).

Mix all of these ingredients together until it becomes the texture of pancake mixture. Put it in to a baking tin and set the oven to 170°, leave it in the oven for 40 mins (depending on the size of your batch).

Take it out of the oven and you are done!!

Here are some photos of my banana bread : 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sophie Pascoe

 Kia ora, for reading I was researching about Sophie Pascoe, then lockdown happened, so I decided to resume me research about this New Zealand Icon! I really hope you like it!

Say home and stay safe, have a great week!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Japan in the Olympics

Tokyo, Japan is the host for the 2020 Olympics games. So for my reading task I decided to do some research about Japan. The Tokyo Olympics was great and I can't wait until the Paris Olympics in 2024! 
On this google drawings there is information about Japan's past Olympic success, the national flag, the population, Japan's location on the world map, and so on. 
I really hope you like it!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Turkey in the Olympics

 Kia ora, and today I did some research on Turkey at the Olympics. I hope you like it and I can't wait to do research on another country that is competing at the Olympics. I hope you like it!

Thursday, July 8, 2021


Kia ora, this is what we have been working on for maths over the past 3 weeks. I worked really hard on this so I really hope you like it!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Persuading Donald Trump that Global Warming is Real

 こんにちは, for reading this week our group had to make a DLO (digital learning object) to persuade Donald Trump that Global Warming real and it is happening right now. Global Warming is a huge problem in this world. So we need world leaders to step up and fight along side people who want to make a difference in the way that we live, so we cane make this a world where the next generation can live happily and safely.

I hope you like it : )

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse

The Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse will be taking place on 26th May 2021 (the day that I post this blog post) I have never seen a Blood Moon or Lunar Eclipse in my life! So I am very existed to see them both at once!!! Here is am google draw that is all about the Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse, I hope you like it!!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

World War l

This is my Follow Up 2 for reading. This is about how did world war 1 started, what is world war 1, when did world war 1 happened, what types of weapons were used, how many people died, and how many people were killed. I hope you like it!!

In another life

 こんにちは, Our Learning Intention this week was to deepen our understanding of descriptive language by creating feelings for our reader, such as empathy. We also looked into the effects of short sentences.

Trinity and I made this amazing story together! Please go check out Trinity's blog too! Just click

My heart breaks as I walk into the cold room. I see him on the table. I bend over to give him his favorite toy. I felt my knees get weak, as I saw him lying there, nearly lifeless. I can't help but burst into tears. I hear Marley crying and it breaks my heart even more. I feel colorless. I get on my knees to pray that he will live to see another day. I start to have flashbacks to the first time we played fetch. I remember that he never gave me back the bone, and ran as fast as his little legs could go, so that I could never catch him. I wish I could protect him from his fate. I feel so helpless. The nurse comes in with a needle, I want to take it from her hands, so I could have more time with my great dog. I told him that I loved him, one last time, as the nurse injected him with the end of his life. ¨I love you Marley, we will meet again in another life¨

Monday, May 10, 2021


I look out of the small window on the right side of the plane, I´m strapped on to the instructor and the pilot signals that it was OK to make the jump, I open the door of the plane but I can´t move my feet. It felt like someone had super glued my feet to the cold metal floor. When I was about to say that I did´t want to go, but the instructor had kicked off and we started to fall through the lonely blue sky. I felt the wind pushing against my trembling body, the wind was so strong that it felt like I was being pushed around by one thousand people at once. We were falling through the sky so fast I couldn't breathe properly. When the instructor tried to free the parachute it got stuck, they tried and tried but is was no use. I knew that this was how I would end, I knew that I would haunt the people that are daring enough to make the dreaded jump.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Reading Follow Up 1

This is the Timeline of the Civil Rights movement. I really enjoyed working on this Timeline and I am very proud of myself. I hope that it is easy for you to read it.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Reading DLO

Imagine living in a world that is completely dark. You cannot see trees, people walking past, or even what you look like in a mirror. Now add into that total silence. you cannot hear birds singing, people talking around you, or listen to music being played. 
This was the dark, silent world that Helen Keller lived in for the most of her life. This is a slide show that tells you most of the big challenges in her life since she was 19 months old. I hope you will enjoy it.

Thank you.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Anne Frank

 Kia ora, this is my paragraph and my DLO about  Anne Frank. It includes some interesting facts about Anne Frank. I hope you will like it! 

Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.

Monday, March 22, 2021


This is my DLO about the different types of rainforests.Thank you for taking the time to read about my reading DLO. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Wayfinder Plot Matrix

 Kia ora, and this is my Plot Matrix. A Plot Matrix is a grid were we tell you the key parts of the story. This Plot Matrix I about the Wayfinder. The story of the Wayfinder is about Manu (the main character) and his people that are moving to a new land because his home land is getting to small. His ancestors were Wayfinders and he wants to live up to his brother that passed away in a storm, while his people were looking for a new land. In the story it does not say if they find new land but my friends and I believe they found New Zealand. The story of the Wayfinder is incredible. This is my Plot Matrix.

Thank you for checking out my blog.